

View the WSDL for the service. Click on an operation name to view it's details.


All output is formatted as JSON String, use php's json_decode() function to output as Array.


accountHASHAPI Token (displayed in your account)
listType (int) 0 || 1 || 2
0 = all ips
1 = only ips for normal licenses
2 = only ips for vps licenses


JSON String



accountHASH API Token (displayed in your account)
listType (int) 0 || 1 || 2
0 = all ips
1 = only ips for normal licenses
2 = only ips for vps licenses


JSON String
			[ ipAddress, addedOn, isVPS, status ]

			["","2004-10-22 19:58:36","No","Active"],
			["","2004-10-22 19:58:36","Yes","Inactive"],
			["","2004-10-22 19:58:36","No","Inactive"]


accountHASH API Token (displayed in your account)
listType (int) 0 || 1 || 2
0 = all ips
1 = only ips for normal licenses
2 = only ips for vps licenses
active (int) 0 || 1
0 = inactive ips
1 = active ips


JSON String
			[ ipAddress, addedOn, status ]

			["","2004-10-22 19:58:36","No"],
			["","2004-10-22 19:58:36","Yes"],
			["","2004-10-22 19:58:36","No"],
			["","2004-10-22 19:58:36","Yes"],
			["","2004-10-22 19:58:36","No"]



accountHASH API Token (displayed in your account)
ip (string) e.g.

Output Success

JSON String
    "addedOn":"2010-03-01 00:00:00",

Output Error

JSON String
    "fault":"The IP Address that you have specified does not exist."


accountHASH API Token (displayed in your account)
ip (string) e.g.
type (int) 1 || 2
1 = normal ip
2 = vps ip

Output Success

JSON String

Output Error

JSON String
    "fault":"The new IP Address that you have specified is not a valid cPanel IP Address."
JSON String
    "fault":"The cPanel Code of the new IP Address that you have specified does not match the cPanel Code assigned to your account."
JSON String
    "fault":"The IP Address that you have specified is not a valid VPS IP Address."
JSON String
    "fault":"The IP Address that you have specified already exists."
JSON String
    "fault":"You are not allowed to add any more IP Addresses because you have reached your IP Address quota."
JSON String
    "fault":"You are trying to access the API from a server whose IP Address is not authorized."

JSON String
    "fault":"You have specified an invalid hash."


accountHASH API Token (displayed in your account)
ip (string) e.g.
new_ip (string) e.g.

Output Success

JSON String


Output Error

JSON String
    "fault":"The new IP Address that you have specified is not a valid cPanel IP Address."
JSON String
    "fault":"The new IP Address that you have specified is not a valid cPanel IP Address."
JSON String
    "fault":"The IP Address that you have specified is not a valid VPS IP Address."
JSON String
    "fault":"The IP Address that you have specified already exists."
JSON String
    "fault":"The IP Address that you have specified does not exist."
JSON String
    "fault":"You are trying to access the API from a server whose IP Address is not authorized."
JSON String
    "fault":"You have specified an invalid hash."


accountHASH API Token (displayed in your account)
ip_address (string) e.g.

Output Success

JSON String
    "addedOn":"2010-03-01 00:00:00",

Output Error

JSON String
    "fault":"The IP Address that you have specified does not exist."


accountHASH API Token (displayed in your account)
ip (string) e.g.

Output Success

JSON String
    "addedOn":"2010-03-01 00:00:00",

Output Error

JSON String
    "fault":"The IP Address that you have specified does not exist."


accountHASH API Token (displayed in your account)
ip (string) e.g.

Output Success

JSON String

Output Error

JSON String
    "fault":"The IP Address that you have specified does not exist."


accountHASH API Token (displayed in your account)
id (int) e.g. 234

Output Success

JSON String
    "original_text":"Hi, we have a problem.",
    "date":"2016-10-26 06:18:29",
    "history":[{"reply_type":"Admin", "text": "Ok", "date": "2016-10-26 06:19:29"}]

Output Error

JSON String
    "fault":"The ticket does not exist or is not accessible."


accountHASH API Token (displayed in your account)
type (string) 'Support|Sales|Partnerships|Interface Improvements'
text (string) e.g. 'Hi, we have a problem! \nRegards'

Output Success

JSON String

Output Error

JSON String
    "fault":"Something went wrong, please retry submitting the ticket."


accountHASH API Token (displayed in your account)
id (int) e.g. 234
text (string) e.g. 'Hi, we have a new problem!'

Output Success

JSON String